Monday, December 21, 2009

More winning for me!

What an awesome way to start Christmas week. There's nothing better than getting free stuff specially when you don't really expect it. Y'all know that I was on a winning spree at one point about a month ago. Well it looks like it's happening again.

A couple of weeks ago Debbie from Mommies with Style emailed me to let me know that I won the "My Baby Loves" giveaway. Of course I picked the 80's cd. This morning, Colleen from Classy Mommy sent me an email to let me know that I won the $200 Best Buy gift card giveaway. Depending on what J got me for Christmas, this might be used towards a dslr but if he was generous enough and he already got me one, we are definitely using this on a bigger flat screen that he's been wanting to get.

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