A couple of weeks ago Debbie from Mommies with Style emailed me to let me know that I won the "My Baby Loves" giveaway. Of course I picked the 80's cd. This morning, Colleen from Classy Mommy sent me an email to let me know that I won the $200 Best Buy gift card giveaway. Depending on what J got me for Christmas, this might be used towards a dslr but if he was generous enough and he already got me one, we are definitely using this on a bigger flat screen that he's been wanting to get.
Monday, December 21, 2009
More winning for me!
A couple of weeks ago Debbie from Mommies with Style emailed me to let me know that I won the "My Baby Loves" giveaway. Of course I picked the 80's cd. This morning, Colleen from Classy Mommy sent me an email to let me know that I won the $200 Best Buy gift card giveaway. Depending on what J got me for Christmas, this might be used towards a dslr but if he was generous enough and he already got me one, we are definitely using this on a bigger flat screen that he's been wanting to get.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Kayla met Santa last night

She looks pretty adorable in her polka dot black and white dress with her cute white bow and black tights :) I sure went shopping for her outfit last minute. We decided on Friday we were taking her Saturday morning but mastitis (again for the second time) got in the way of our plans.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Baby Girl is 5 Months Old!
So what else is our baby girl up to lately?
- wearing 6-9 month clothing
- wearing size 2 diapers but we're about to start using the 3's soon
- she has a bottom tooth coming out - there might be another one but not so sure yet
- still a good sleeper although there are some nights when she would wake up around midnight to eat
- still loves bath time
- she's doing very well with sitting on her own but she still falls after a while - i say a couple more weeks and she'll be good on her own
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sophie bandwagon
I saw Sophie go on BabyEarth's hourly special on Friday. It went down to as low as $10-something but with shipping it really came out to be around $17. Still cheaper than most online retailers but my frugal self couldn't justify it. I visit this site regularly to see what deals they have on an hourly basis 'cause I always feel that Kayla needs something. Of course I missed out on the deal 'cause I waited too long. This is probably the 5th item I've missed out on 'cause I wait for the price to go down further.
[image from BabyEarth]
Anyway, I caved and bought Sophie on Amazon yesterday. I signed up for the Amazon Prime 30-day free trial and I received 2-day shipping for free. I still paid the regular $18 but I guess that's okay. How can one really resist the cute pictures of all these babies gnawing on cute little Sophie?? I already know that Kayla will enjoy Sophie - I mean she only tries to put everything her little hands can get to in her mouth and every review I've read about Sophie has been great.
Am I the only one who jumps on baby-related bandwagons or any bandwagon for that matter?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Day off and shopping
I used my Old Navy coupon on a couple of sweaters and tanks. The shawl cardigan looks really nice on and I can wear it to work and during the weekends. I wanted to get the grey one also but they only have an XS left. I didn't try the other cardi on and I hope it fits. I also got Kayla two pairs of pants and two cute onesies.

Jay called me while I was out to let me know that the Bumbo seat arrived! I was so excited to get home and put Kayla in it. I think she likes it. I've already used it a couple of times today. I sat her on top of the kitchen counter while I prepped the veggies for our dinner tonight.

Three more working days before the weekend! J is of course working all weekend long so we are on our own. I plan to do a little more shopping with Gap's Give and Get sale and I hope to hit up Macy's for more baby winter clothes.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I love winning!
I love finding bargains and I love it even more when I get to win things. I've been following "Deal"ectible Mommies for a while now and I received an email from her this morning that I won one of the coupons for Old Navy! This is perfect timing since I'm in need of new work clothes pretty bad. I've lost all my baby weight and then some so most of my clothes do not fit right anymore.
Now it's just a matter of finding the time to actually go out and shop. My mom gave me a bunch of Macy's coupons yesterday so I'm going to use those to buy Kayla some winter clothes and maybe a pair of shoes (or two) for me.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Online Shopping Madness
I bought my momAgenda yesterday and it's being delivered today. If that's not quick shipping, then I don't know what is! I can't wait to go home and start writing in it.
This morning, I came to work, turned my pc on, and went to town on Borders' website and bought Kayla some books (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Funny thing is I'm doing this in the middle of a very busy work week. I can only imagine what's going to happen when it starts to get slow here during the holidays.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Happy 4 Months, Kayla!
You are still a wonderful sleeper but such an awful napper. I'm not complaining since your dad and I are very appreciative of the 8+ hours of sleep that you give us every night but you can be such a little terror during the day. It's very rare that you would nap when we are home but you nap pretty well when the grandma's are watching you during the day. I like to think that you just love it so much when mommy and daddy are home that you like to stay awake a lot - and I mean a lot.
You're a great little shopper, too! We can spend hours at the mall and you sit very content in your car seat not making a peep. This makes for a very easy and fun time at the mall specially when mommy's bored at home with nothing to do.
Bath time is fun for you. You are starting to splish and splash in your baby tub and you never ever cry. It makes me wonder though why you are not very happy when bath time is over. I know you're not cold since I bundle you up like a little burrito. Maybe you're just sad since you just love the water and bath time is over.
You truly are the most wonderful present that we could ever ask for. I know that I'm thankful everyday for having you in my life and can't imagine it without you.
Monday, November 2, 2009
I'm a winner!
I also won the BINGO game at work this past Friday. I think I'm on a winning roll here. Does this mean I'm going to win the lottery tomorrow, too?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
A Year Ago Today

...we found out that we were pregnant with Kayla. I clearly remember how the morning went but I want to start with the night before.
We were at a friend's house for a little Halloween get-together and to give candy out. I remember how after all the trick or treaters were gone, everyone sat around the dining table - drinking, eating, and getting mad at each other while playing Cranium. I was 3 days late then and I went to the bathroom for what seems like every 30 minutes that night - I blamed the beer.
Jay and I both had the weekend off and we slept in the next morning. When we got up I went to the grocery store to get stuff for breakfast and I stopped by CVS to get a pregnancy test just to see. I came home and J started cooking breakfast. I went straight to the bathroom to pee on the stick. He didn't know I got the pregnancy test. I didn't want to tell him and I wanted to surprise him with the result - whatever it may be. I remember sitting the stick on the bathroom counter and not even 5 seconds later I saw two lines - one was very defined and the other one was a little on the pale side. But a line is a line. I walked over to the kitchen and told J the news. I think my choice of words were "I think we're kinda pregnant". He told me to STFU. We both could not believe it. I took two more pregnancy tests that day and two more two days later. I wanted to make sure it was real - that I was really pregnant. We also went to Target that evening to get me some pre-natal vitamins.
That morning changed our lives forever. Today he made breakfast while I held Kayla. We are now a family. I can't believe it's been a year since that day.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Custom Bow Holder
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Ammature Mom
Thursday, October 15, 2009
My sleeping-through-the-night baby!
Kayla started sleeping in her crib on the 6th and she pretty much transitioned from the bassinnett of her pack and play straight to there. No in between here. She was still waking up once in the middle of the night for a bottle until this past Friday. She just kept on sleeping and sleeping. She didn't get up until almost 7am. J and I were both very shocked but thought it was a fluke.
She did it again on Sunday.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
First Year Wedding Anniversay
Monday, October 12, 2009
3 Month Check-Up
- still in size 2 diapers
- 6 months sized clothes
- sleeping through the night :)
- still no formula
- coo-ing like crazy
- rolling over to her belly when she wants to
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
She's sleeping in her crib - finally!
We are using a sleep positioner that she eventually kicks off to the bottom of the crib. It probably only does its purpose for the first couple of hours until she gets into her kicking fit. Either way, I'm just happy that she's in her room. I loved having her in ours since it was so convenient to have her right there but I knew that she would have to move out one of these days. J also moved her pack and play downstairs this morning before he left for work. This will now be used for her naps during the day.
I really hope that her transition to her own room will make her a better sleeper. She still wakes up once during the night to feed which is totally fine. When did your baby stop eating in the middle of the night?
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
It started Sunday night and I thought that was a fluke. She refused to sleep in her pack and play that J took her downstairs to sleep in her swing. That went from midnight 'til 2-ish. After her feeding, I put her in her crib and she slept in there 'til about 6-ish. Of course she was still fussy during the day yesterday. J's mom said she didn't want to be put down and wanted to be held a lot and refused to nap. We fought between 830pm 'til about 1030pm last night when J finally gave up and brought the swing upstairs. She slept there 'til around 330 and in the pack and play she went 'til almost 6.
I really hope this is a just a phase. We can't function like normal people with lack of sleep. I don't really know what's going on. I'd like to think that she's teething (although it could be a bit early) hence the craziness during night time. She was such a good sleeper for the most part until Sunday.
It makes me wonder what it would be like if I was home with her. Is it possible that there are 4 different people, including myself, that watch her on daily basis and our ways of taking care of her are all different? Does she even know the difference between all of us? I sure hope so! I want to think that my baby girl know I'm her momma and that I give her the best care when I'm home with her.
How do we fix this? How can I get her on a good routine?
Saturday, October 3, 2009
13 Weeks Ago...
Working full time again has had its ups and downs. It is still hard leaving her behind every morning but the end of my day is always rewarded with her smiling face when I come home. Work is still very busy that I'm able to go all day without feeling sad that I'm not home with her. Even my weekends are cut short due to groups that I have to check in on. I cherish every second that I get to spend at home with her. She is growing up and developing so quickly and I'm always afraid that I will miss something.
We are still going strong with breastfeeding. There is so much milk in our freezer and I'm still pumping while at work. I even get up in the middle of the night to pump while J feeds her with a bottle. The way I see it is that this is the best thing I can give her right now. It's great holding her while she looks up at me while she eats. It's our bonding time and I hope that we can go past 6 months. Pumping is a pain at work but I plan to keep it up.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I'm so glad that we were both home when she first giggled. I hope that we continue to get more firsts from her. It feels so rewarding seeing her grow up right before our eyes.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Working Mom
I'm still trying to get myself into a routine so that I'm able to feed her before I leave work, pump while at work, come home and spend time with my family and do it all over again the next day. It's tough and I give tons of credit to working parents who have more than one child. I try to get myself ready waaay before I know she's going to be up so I can focus my time on her instead of me. I truly treasure each and every minute I get to spend with Kayla. I'm not so lucky to be able to stay at home and either work or not work. I miss her every second of the day and I look forward to going home. Maybe J and I will get lucky, sooner rather than later, so that I can be a stay at home mom or even a work at home mom.
My 2 month old
- still in size 1 diapers
- 3 months size clothes are getting a bit tight
- sleeping at least 4 hour stretches at night (6.5 hours one time)
- still guzzling down breast milk
- coo's a lot and likes to "talk" to us and her toys
- adores her activity mat friends and crib mobile monkeys
- stares at lights and ceiling fans
- still hates being on her tummy
- loves bath time until I have to wash her hair
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Nighttime Sleeping and Schedule - 2 months later
She's not the greatest napper in the world but we take what we can get. This sleeping thing is a bit tough but I know it will get better. It's very rare that she'll take a nap between 5pm and 9pm. 10-ish is usually her bed time which isn't that bad. She's not really on a schedule yet because I feed her when she's hungry and not every certain number of hours - she naps (kinda) when she's tired - her bath days are every other day - and she goes to sleep at night when she's ready.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Trying not to freak out
It's very hard just thinking about it and I can only imagine what will happen when I'm actually there. I have about 3 more weeks and I hope these are the slowest weeks of my life. I want to spend as much time with Kayla as much as possible. I know that once I'm back at work I will hardly spend any waking moment with her aside from the weekends. This makes me very sad. I'm afraid that I'll miss out on her developmental milestones and that she'll forget I'm her mommy. I probably sound a bit crazy and I'm sure I'm not the first one to think these thoughts but I've been so attached to this child for the past 6.5 weeks and it's a bit hard not to.
Despite the lack of sleep and attending to her every need almost 24/7, I wouldn't trade being a mom for anything. I wish I can get paid staying home and trying to be the best mother to Kayla but I guess there's no such thing. I should really convince J to take on another full time job so I can stay home. Ha!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Kayla's 1 Month Update
We go back on Thursday for a follow-up on breast feeding. She was never able to latch at the hospital so I've been pumping all this time. She's been able to breast feed since Friday but I'm still using a shield which I'd rather not. Our pediatrician is going to help us out during the appointment so I can potentially get rid of the shield and pump less and breast feed more.
What else has my baby been up to?
- she's going to start wearing size 1 diapers as soon as our newborn ones are gone (we've had blowouts recently and it has gone all the way up her back)
- feeding 4 oz (still no formula)
- she's up a lot during the day now and eats every 2 to 3 hours and every 4 hours - sometimes longer at night (finally! and we love it)
- wearing 3 month sized clothing
Friday, July 31, 2009
Show us Your Life: Wedding Party and Flowers

[ Photo credit: Jason Keefer Photography ]
Saturday, July 25, 2009
I don't like and can't do pain
My doctor scheduled to induce me on my due date. She didn't like how my pressure was towards the end and didn't want to wait it out. I was relieved to have an induction date set since the waiting game was getting old. J and I drove each other crazy towards the last couple of weeks. We talked about going into labor everyday! We made bets on when we thought it was going to happen and where.
I didn't expect to deliver Kayla earlier than my due date. I never really experienced braxton hicks and I had only dilated between 1 and 2 cm for three weeks. It was quite a surprise that I went into labor on July 3rd. What's even more unexpected is that she's a 4th of July baby!
The day before Kayla's birth and her birthday were quite a blur. I distinctly remember some parts of it but I don't remember everything about it. I'm almost over the pain. Sure, I still remember that labor was a very painful ordeal but I'm just glad that I didn't get a c-section. I'm sure that would have been hell.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Show us Your Life: Wedding Dress

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Getting real close but not close enough

It was wonderful going back into work after my appointment this morning to let them know that I had to leave again and this time I won't be coming back for a while. I'm kinda hoping that she makes her appearance before my due date. I don't think I can handle being home by myself with nothing to do for a whole week. It's not like I can go out and do stuff. My doctor told me to just lounge around and to not do anything. Good thing is I have to go out tomorrow to drop off the big jug of urine (gross) and my mom is off so she's coming over to bring us home cooked meals.
I can't believe that it's finally here. J and I have been impatiently waiting to meet her and the longest we have to wait is about a week. I know our lives are going to change and I can't wait!
Friday, June 19, 2009
(Im)Patiently Waiting
We are more than ready at this point! We had the car cleaned and the car seat installed on Monday. The hospital bag is completely packed and ready to go. He literally vacuums on a daily basis. He said that he wants it clean around here just in case I go into labor we can come home to a clean house with the baby.
I seriously have a wonderful husband! He's done so much for me since I got pregnant and since we moved. I can't wait to see him interact with our little girl. It brings a smile to my face when I think about it.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Busy Weekend and Busy Week
We're just now getting home from the Broad Appetit food festival. They had a lot of vendors and the food was good and cheap. It was a lot of walking since we parked so far from where the festival was. It was good exercise though and it wasn't too hot.
This weekend went by so quickly and my work week is going to be long. I have my last huge convention for the summer before the baby comes and I can't wait 'til it's over. I knew going into it that after this last event that I don't have much time left 'til the baby comes. J's aunt is also coming into town from California and we're going out to dinner with her when she gets into town on Tuesday. Wednesday is our meeting with the pediatrician and Thursday is the labor and delivery tour at the hospital where I'm delivering. Needless to say, I can't wait for the upcoming weekend to be over. I just have to get through this week and it should slow down from there.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Sucky eating habits
- Monday - grilled chicken salad for lunch and Mexican take-out for dinner
- Tuesday - pad Thai for lunch and pizza for dinner
- Wednesday - burrito from Chipotle for lunch and half a slice of pizza and an Oreo Blizzard from Dairy Queen
- Thursday - burrito from Chipotle (again!) and a bacon cheeseburger and yummy fries from Five Guys followed by a Dilly bar from Dairy Queen
- Friday - fried chicken, mac&cheese, and rice for lunch and hopefully a healthy dinner with no Dairy Queen this time
I'm almost 36 weeks and this is seriously the first time that I've indulged in food not unless you count my one week stint of eating a cookie after dinner. I need to be better. The last thing I need is for my doctor to tell me next Friday that I've gained 5 pounds in two weeks! That would really suck and she'll probably put me on a diet.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Where did the time go???
Monday, May 25, 2009
My To-Do List!
- buy car seat, breast pump, nursing bras
- get car seat installed at the local fire department
- have HR change my address and my wrong middle initial
- buy drapes for baby's room
- complete the baby registry
- tour labor and delivery
- get J's car deep cleaned
- pack hospital bag
- read "Happiest Baby on the Block"
- buy baby book
- start looking into birth announcements
- find a photographer to do infant photos of baby girl
We've Moved and Baby's Room is Semi-Done!

Monday, May 18, 2009
Appointment Update and Hell-ish Weekend to Come!
I've had to baby shower's (ish) this past week. I had a not-so baby shower at work on Monday and the baby got some awesome presents. There was another one this past Saturday but due to poor planning there weren't that many people there. I still had fun though. It's nice to know that people do care and are excited for our baby. We already have all the big stuff but I'm sure that we have to make a BRU run before my due date to make sure we've got everything we could possibly need.
We're also making another outlet trip this weekend since daddy-to-be wants to go to the PBK outlet. I was very surprised when he mentioned this to me last night. I thought he just wanted to go to Ikea but I'm not complaining...I love PBK! I hope they have good deals on things we need for her. We still need to buy her hamper, bathroom stuff, and some organizational stuff.
It's going to be one hell-ish weekend of a move. I know J doesn't want me to do anything so he's recruited his little cousin to come over on Friday. We are going up to Northern Virginia the next day to do some shopping. We don't go back to work 'til Wednesday and I hope that we're fully settled by then.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
55 More Days to Go
My to-do and to-buy list is growing. I keep on finding other stuff that we need for baby girl and I keep on coming up with things to do before she gets here. We move next Friday and that weekend will be spent unpacking, getting settled, and preparing the baby's room. I've been waiting for months to finally get her crib together! I'll post pictures of her room progress once we get started.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
My Late 30th Week Update
Labor Basic Class
Anyways, the class was okay. They really need to change the videos they were using. They were seriously from the 80's! Some parts grossed me out and some parts freaked me out. I can't decided which bothers me less - vaginal birth or c-section.
I have no tolerance for any kind of pain whatsoever. I've never been admitted to the hospital and I know labor is going to freak me out the closer I get to my due date. The only thing that's keeping me quite calm is knowing that I get to meet and see this little one that's been kicking me for months now. I hope that I get to be one of the lucky ones also when it comes to labor. This pregnancy has been so easy and wonderful that there's really nothing else that I can ask for except for a healthy baby and an easy labor.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
77 days to go!

I hope that the next 77 days go really smooth and very quick but slow enough to where I'm able to accomplish everything that I'm supposed to do.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
28th Week Update
We are slowly getting everything together though. I bought her dresser yesterday on a random trip to Babies "R" Us during my lunch break. It was on clearance since it's being discontinued and I got an extra discount since it's the floor model. I think J and his dad are picking it up either this weekend or next weekend. We are going shopping for more baby stuff on Saturday and we're also going to find a new couch and a dining set.
Friday is my 28-week appointment. I really hope that I pass that stupid diabetes screening! My doctor told me to bring a book or magazine since I have to wait an hour after I take the syrup to get my blood drawn. Thank goodness for Borders coupons I'm going to pick up The Happiest Baby on the Block tomorrow. I've read great reviews about this book and how it was so helpful with newborns that I've been wanting to read it.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
27 Weeks Down - 13 To Go

I'm officially in the last trimester of my pregnancy! It was 27 weeks yesterday and according to Alpha Mom's website - - - my baby is now the size of a 15 inch teddy bear weighing about 2 pounds.
This has to be the fastest going pregnancy on record not unless this last trimester goes very slow. It's going to be very busy for us from here on out...
- third tri screening next week
- we move Memorial weekend
- take Labor Class at the hospital
- my bff's wedding is in June
- tour labor and delivery facility at the hospital
- shop for the baby
I'm really looking forward to our move and taking off for 11 weeks once the baby is here. It's going to be a fun and exciting summer for me and J.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Crib Bedding - Done!
J and I went to the PB outlet last week in hopes of finding a great deal on a crib set. We came home with 2 super-soft pink sheets and that was it. I figured I'd go the ebay route but couldn't really find anything.
We narrowed it down to Kayla and Katie. Both are pink and very cute until I went to Short Pump yesterday. They had the Sadie skirt in pink marked down from $59 to $19! I had to buy it. The sales lady also helped me locate the bumper that was originally $99 marked down to $29. What a freaking steal! The bumper is coming from a store in MD and it should be here later on this week. I have been stalking the Sadie set online since they've been on sale for a while but the prices are bit higher on the website that the store. I'm all about buying nice things but I refuse to pay retail for anything!
[ Kayla ]
[ Katie ]
[ Sadie ]
I'm so excited to get her crib assembled and put her bedding together. Gotta wait 'til May 22 though 'cause we're moving. Now I just need to find a dresser that we can use as a changing table and as storage for all her cute clothes that we've been buying.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
24 Weeks Today
We have finally agreed on a name! This is a huge milestone since I changed my mind a lot with the different names that J and I came up with. Her initials will be KMH. We're not telling everyone as of yet what her name will be although a couple of people already know.
She has been moving around like crazy lately. This has been the best part of the pregnancy so far but I've been waking up around 3am for an hour and a half or so this past week while she kicks and dances in there. I thought the trick was if I was laying on my side she wouldn't be able to kick as much but apparently not. I think she's getting bigger and stronger so she's able to kick whenever she feels like regardless of my position.
Monday, March 9, 2009
My Baby Needs This!
Ok, maybe not need. But I want it! I would go for a brighter color but I think that would be a little much for J when he's with her by himself. We've played with this stroller at Rattle & Roll and J really liked the red color but we'll see. We're not really sold on the price right now. We were/are thinking about getting a travel system and the price is the same. We would probably have to spend an extra $150-$200 depending on which car seat we get if we go with this stroller. We'll see...I'm pretty good at not paying retail price so this might actually work.
We wanted to go to check-out Weebsworld yesterday where they have tons of strollers but they're not open on Sundays. There was another baby store we wanted to go to as also but of course they were closed as well!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
It's a GIRL!
Finding out the sex of the baby has definitely made this pregnancy even more real now. I started feeling her move with tiny flutters about a week or two ago but she definitely made her presence known the night before our appointment. Jay finally got to feel her kick the afternoon of the appointment as well. It's still a little weird when she kicks but I'm loving it! She's very active in the early afternoon time specially after I've had lunch.
We already purchased her crib. We bought it the same day we found out we are having a girl. J and I had lunch and stopped by Short Pump to see what Pottery Barn Kids had. They were having this huge sale on their furniture and we scored a Thomas Crib in Sun Valley Black for nearly 60% off retail! We have the crib and the conversion kit as well. J and his dad are picking up the crib today. I'm really hoping that they discount the dresser as much as they did the crib. If not, I already have my eye on an Ikea dresser that will work.

Saturday, January 31, 2009
17 Weeks and 2 Pounds Later
Monday, January 26, 2009
Almost 17 Weeks and Counting
We are scheduled to go back on February 24 for our big ultrasound :) J is still in denial that he wants a girl and I don't really mind either way as long as the baby is healthy. I can't believe that I'm this far along. It seems just like yesterday when I peed on that pregnancy test. We are both very excited and can hardly wait for the baby to come.
This is going to be an awesome year! The baby will be around by the time we celebrate our first wedding anniversary and the holidays will be even better.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Let the countdown begin!
We are very quick to say the least.
Hopefully, this blog will keep our family and friends updated with what's going on in our lives while we prepare for the birth of our baby.