You are still a wonderful sleeper but such an awful napper. I'm not complaining since your dad and I are very appreciative of the 8+ hours of sleep that you give us every night but you can be such a little terror during the day. It's very rare that you would nap when we are home but you nap pretty well when the grandma's are watching you during the day. I like to think that you just love it so much when mommy and daddy are home that you like to stay awake a lot - and I mean a lot.
You're a great little shopper, too! We can spend hours at the mall and you sit very content in your car seat not making a peep. This makes for a very easy and fun time at the mall specially when mommy's bored at home with nothing to do.
Bath time is fun for you. You are starting to splish and splash in your baby tub and you never ever cry. It makes me wonder though why you are not very happy when bath time is over. I know you're not cold since I bundle you up like a little burrito. Maybe you're just sad since you just love the water and bath time is over.
You truly are the most wonderful present that we could ever ask for. I know that I'm thankful everyday for having you in my life and can't imagine it without you.
Hey - to get the flu shot, call the Henrico Department of Health ((804) 501-4151). Tell them you have a newborn and they will make an apt. to give you the shot!
Such a cutie! She is only 10 days older than my daughter. Mine is a good sleeper at night but a terrible napper too.
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