Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Life lately has been hectic to say the least but this little family of mine is what I am most thankful for! Happy thanksgiving, y'all!

{image credit: rori dellinger photography}

Friday, September 28, 2012

Moms on Call Update

We started the MOC program when O was only 3 weeks old. We specifically followed the night time schedule/routine and was successful. Swaddling plus white noise is what was missing in our routine. She started sleeping 3 hour stretches at night which turned into 4 hours and about a week ago she started sleeping from 9 to 645 and only getting up once to eat. She did this up until a couple of days ago and sleep since then has been lacking.

We didn't change a thing...bath, feed, swaddle and white noise. There are nights when she would go down easy without a fight before 9, up between 2 and 230, eat and then back down again until almost 7am. I like to blame growth spurts every night that she fights her sleep.

We are sticking to the MOC schedule and technique but I think it's the swaddle that's the issue. She was busting out of the regular swaddle when we used Aden + Anais blankets and we only used them for a couple of nights. We switched to SwaddleMe blankets and they are working well but I think that she's getting too big and strong for them. She can't get out of them but her arms can definitely move while she's wearing the blanket.

I was browsing the internet this morning and was ready to switch over to the Miracle Blanket but at $25 a pop I searched some more. There's just no way that I can justify spending $25 on something that could possibly fail but then again getting good sleep every night is definitely worth more than $25!

During this browsing session, I didn't realize that there are so many different ways to swaddle a baby. The technique called a double swaddle is what really caught my attention. It seems pretty easy to do and I already have blankets that will work. The video is very easy to follow and I've already tried it on O and she is currently passed out napping in her crib for more than an hour now. I can't wait to try this tonight and hopefully solve the sleeping issue we have been experiencing lately.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Moms on Call

I heard of Moms On Call for the very first time while reading Blueeyedbride's blog. She raved so much about them that I made sure to remember it with second baby in mind even before I got pregnant.

I bought the 0-6 months book a couple of weeks before my due date with OG but never really got around to finish reading it before giving birth. I brought the book with me to the hospital so that I could finish reading it but that also didn't happen.

Between the newborn, a toddler, exhaustion and everything else that comes along with life, I just now finished reading the book! Yes, my newborn is almost three weeks old and I'm clearly behind! I just watched their YouTube video of how to swaddle and I am truly amazed by how big of a difference their technique and swaddling in general can do to a screaming hyena newborn.

This picture was taken not even 2 minutes after she was screaming like I was trying to remove her arm from her body with my bare hands!

Friday, August 3, 2012

My Friday Brain Dump

  • I am 38 weeks today and I am officially over the waiting game. I just want to meet and hold this baby girl who still does not have a name.

  • I feel like this baby does not want to come out but I am on panic mode trying to get everything done and ready.

  • It's a 3-day weekend for me and I plan on purging and cleaning. A lot. We are semi-hoarders and it's about time that we let go of some things that we can live without.

  • Is it me or does the older sibling present from the new baby just the most backwards idea ever? How can a newborn go shopping for a present? Shouldn't the older sibling be the one giving the new baby a present?

  • The full moon the other day didn't do jack for my pregnancy. Not that I was expecting it to, but still.

  • The Olympics' schedule is driving me nuts! I can no longer stay up until midnight. I come to work exhausted due to lack of sleep. I wish the lack of sleep was due to a newborn instead.

  • I wanted to do fun family things with K this weekend but J is working the whole time.

  • I need a haircut and I also want to find a house cleaning service to do one deep clean before baby comes.

  • The infant car seat needs to be installed and I also need a car wash/vacuum some kind of bad.

  • I'm itching to buy normal clothes but I'm afraid that I'll buy the wrong size.

  • This brain dump stinks. I feel incoherent. It's probably because I'm so sleepy.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


How far along: 37 weeks.
Total weight gain: 19 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Still the same rotation of maternity work clothes. I'm sure my co-workers are starting to wonder why I wear the same things over and over again. I refuse to buy anything at this point specially with the pregnancy being so close to the end.
Food cravings: Iced coffee and Coke.
Sleep: One would think that my newborn is here due to the amount of sleep I'm not getting. It's truly been awful. I get maybe a couple of nights a week when I can sleep pretty decent.
Highlights: Not really a highlight but almost a bit of a scare. Baby's heart rate was on the high side during my appointment yesterday and my doctor sent me in for a fetal non-stress test to make sure everything was okay. The test went perfect and baby girl is staying in for now.


I was slacking so much with this second pregnancy that it was starting to freak me out a little. Being full-term and the quick scare yesterday definitely gave me that push to start working on my to-do list. I was having mild contractions a couple of days ago which freaked me out a little. I semi-packed my hospital bag that evening and placed an Amazon order for little things that I still needed. After the fetal NST yesterday, I stopped by Target to get a couple more things. I was also able to organize dresser & closet and even did a load of laundry.

I am now at a point where I have back to back events at work with hardly any break in between to do anything. There is still a short list of things I need to buy and a pretty long to-do list. I was hoping that J & I could use these last few weeks to do some fun things
with K while she's still the only child but having the same days off are very few and far between. The man can hardly take one day off out of a full week! I joke around that he will literally be with me the day I go into labor and give birth and will be back at work the following day.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Mom Fail Moment

I decided yesterday afternoon that I was going to sort through this one giant bin of K's old clothes so that I can start a pile of what needs washing before baby #2 is born. The top of the bin had swaddle blankets and burp cloths. I started digging some more and quickly realized that NO, I did not save any of K's tiny baby clothes. Sure, I had some 6 months and up as well as all the precious smocked outfits, but clothes for newborn babies, not so much!

It dawned on me that I must have been so exhausted when K was an infant and wasn't thinking straight that I literally gave all the newborn clothing away! I could have sworn that I saved some of them but obviously not. There was a girl with a newborn baby who was a couple of months younger than K at my old job who didn't have much. I thought I only gave her some clothes.

There goes another thing to add to my ever-growing to-do list. This should be an interesting 7 weeks or so.

Friday, June 22, 2012

32 Week Bumpdate

(31 week bump picture taken at Target. Ha!)

How far along: 32 weeks.
Total weight gain: 15 lbs.
Maternity clothes: I really held out on this pregnancy and didn't buy much. I saved a lot of my old maternity clothes from the first pregnancy and that was working for a good bit but it's now getting too hot and my shirts are getting too short. I need to get some maxi dresses that are work appropriate and are also postpartum friendly.
Food cravings: Caffeine-free Coke and caffeine-free coffee are a must for me but that's no different from when I'm not pregnant.
Sleep: Still awful! The pregnancy insomnia has slowed down some but I am getting more and more uncomfortable.
Highlights: Baby girl is head down and this makes me very happy! I just hope she stays that way until it's go time. Doctor told me yesterday that this late in the game, babies tend to stay the way they are so I am crossing my fingers. Doctor also mentioned that second babies tend to come earlier than the first and labor is usually half as long. I'm taking their words with a grain of salt but remaining hopeful and crossing my fingers.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Maybe not quite the homestretch but hitting the 3rd trimester seemed so far away a couple of weeks ago. I can't believe that there's only 13 weeks left until my due date. That's only 91 days in case you're trying to do the math!

This pregnancy is definitely going really fast. Between a full-time job and an almost 3 year old, I haven't really had much time to just sit there. It also feels like the closer I get to my due date, the longer my to-do list is becoming. Next thing you know I will wake up and it's August 17. I'm really hoping that this baby comes a little earlier than that since J's birthday is on the 21st but having the baby on J's birthday will not only be the best present for him but also easy when it comes to celebrations and parties.

Mom helped me clean up the baby's room last weekend and the goal this weekend is to start purging. The fabric for the crib skirt has also been ordered and I can't wait for my mom to get started on that. She's also going make the drapes and some throw pillow covers. I'm just excited that I can no longer change my mind about the fabric since it has been ordered and shipped.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sleep? Nap?

What are those??

I've read 2 books out of 3. I'm sure you have heard of this trilogy. If not, you probably live under a rock. Or in a cave. I have literally been staying up way past my bedtime reading since Thursday night. Good thing I am off tomorrow. Ha!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Baby Number 2: 25 Weeks

How far along: 25 weeks.
Total weight gain: 9 pounds. A very surprising but great number to me. I thought it'd be more than that since I've been dessert-binging with J&K.
Maternity clothes: Definitely maternity pants. I need more shirts for work and weekends. I like my shirts long to begin with so my non-maternity clothes are currently working fine.
Food cravings: Nothing crazy but I'm pretty sure I can survive off chicken salad from this local sandwich place and Chipotle's burrito bowl.
Sleep: Awful! I have been sleeping very little on work nights but I definitely make up for it during
Highlights: Looking forward to window shopping on Saturday for the little. We are compiling a list of what things we need. We are after all only 105 days away from baby girl's due date who still does not have a name.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Saturday in Pictures

We made a quick trip to the pediatrician due to a cough K's had for a couple of weeks now. She has seasonal allergies and took on the nebulizer so bravely. She's now using the inhaler twice a day and need to take Zyrtec once a day 'til this pesky cough is gone!

I made king ranch chicken for the 1st time and it was a hit! I used the Kitchen Aid trick to shred the chicken and it literally took less that a minute!

My mom is a very well rounded homemaker. She's really good at everything. Cooking. Gardening. And she can sew! I asked her if she can make the crib skirt and sheet for the baby and she agreed. I've been all over the internet looking for ideas and fabric options. These fabric combinations from Caitlin Wilson Textiles are so fun and pretty!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Catching Up

Family: Wonderful like always. K is so busy lately. She says the funniest things and her vocabulary is just insane. I know every parent thinks that their child is the funniest kid but my kid says 'fo sho'. Ha! We try to spend as much time together as we possibly can. The 3 of us that is. But it seems that when J is off I'm working and vice versa. Time together as a family is definitely our number 1 priority.

Work: Eh. It's work. Not much to say there. It's about to get really busy with major conventions left and right. I'm seriously looking forward to my maternity leave so I can get a break and stay home with my babies.

Pregnancy: The 20 weeks flew by. I can't believe it's half-way done. I'm sporting a baby bump now and it's no longer questionable if I've had one too many burgers or not. Insomnia is kicking my butt and so are the bathroom breaks. I didn't miss these one bit. But tomorrow we find out the baby's gender. It's cliche, but all I care about is a healthy baby. Doesn't matter if the bean is a boy or a girl.

Monday, February 20, 2012

That day we became a family of 4

I found out on December 11, 2011 that I was pregnant. It was a normal Sunday of errands and hanging out with K. I had plans to take her to the mall play area and grocery shop but decided on Target and grocery shopping instead.

I grabbed a 3 pack of test and went on about our usual Target trip. We did our grocery shopping afterwards then came home and did some dishes and then finally used the test. Back with K, the 2nd line showed up pretty darn fast. This time around, I left the test 'cause it wasn't doing anything and I was sure that it was a negative. Thank goodness I came back for a second look or I would have never found out that day that I was indeed already pregnant.

It was really hard not sharing the news with anyone. J was at work and I didn't want to tell him over the phone. I also didn't want to tell K 'cause she repeats everything and can remember a lot nowadays. I actually decided that I wouldn't share anything until Christmas. Yes, I waited 2 long weeks to tell J! That truly was an accomplishment. I am the last person that can keep a secret!

The next couple of weeks were tricky. I had to take prenatal secretly. I was turning down wine and coffee left and right. I was running out of excuses why I was so darn exhausted and hungry. I could have sworn symptoms were non-existent until that positive pregnancy test. But I have to say that I have been super lucky to not have experienced morning sickness just like when I was pregnant with K.

So here's what I know so far...I am a little over 14 weeks and baby #2 is due August 17. This will make baby #2 a Leo, same as J. I have gained 2 pounds which is really strange considering that I eat like a cow these days.

So yes, that's my recap of baby #2!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday Night Confession

More details to come later...