I am officially on maternity leave. My doctor pulled me out of work today due to my blood pressure. She's got me doing a 24-hour urine sampling that I have to bring in to the clinic tomorrow and she also ordered some blood work when I came in to see her today. She thinks that I have preeclampsia. If my blood work and urine tests come back positive she wants to induce me this weekend but if not I've got one scheduled for my due date (7/8/9) at 7am. If I don't go into labor before Monday I go back in then and I get an ultrasound that I'm excited about! I haven't had one since we found out the sex of the baby.
Here's the brightest orange container that I was given today to collect my samples in. Must it be this bright? The color reminds of the traffic cones you see when there's construction!

It was wonderful going back into work after my appointment this morning to let them know that I had to leave again and this time I won't be coming back for a while. I'm kinda hoping that she makes her appearance before my due date. I don't think I can handle being home by myself with nothing to do for a whole week. It's not like I can go out and do stuff. My doctor told me to just lounge around and to not do anything. Good thing is I have to go out tomorrow to drop off the big jug of urine (gross) and my mom is off so she's coming over to bring us home cooked meals.
I can't believe that it's finally here. J and I have been impatiently waiting to meet her and the longest we have to wait is about a week. I know our lives are going to change and I can't wait!
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