Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sophie bandwagon

...the giraffe that is. I've seen this all over the 'net and have read numerous articles and blog posts about it. Of course, being the rookie mom that I am, I jump on bandwagons easily. I mean how can the internet give me the wrong information, right? Ha!

I saw Sophie go on BabyEarth's hourly special on Friday. It went down to as low as $10-something but with shipping it really came out to be around $17. Still cheaper than most online retailers but my frugal self couldn't justify it. I visit this site regularly to see what deals they have on an hourly basis 'cause I always feel that Kayla needs something. Of course I missed out on the deal 'cause I waited too long. This is probably the 5th item I've missed out on 'cause I wait for the price to go down further.

[image from BabyEarth]

Anyway, I caved and bought Sophie on Amazon yesterday. I signed up for the Amazon Prime 30-day free trial and I received 2-day shipping for free. I still paid the regular $18 but I guess that's okay. How can one really resist the cute pictures of all these babies gnawing on cute little Sophie?? I already know that Kayla will enjoy Sophie - I mean she only tries to put everything her little hands can get to in her mouth and every review I've read about Sophie has been great.

Am I the only one who jumps on baby-related bandwagons or any bandwagon for that matter?

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