Friday, August 26, 2011

'Twas the night before Irene


I'm writing this post in the comfort of a plush king size bed beside a snoozing toddler and an exhausted husband. The past couple of days has been occupied with thoughts of Irene and the havoc she's supposed to bring with her. I don't know what news you are watching if you're unaware of Irene.

The area of town where we live is very prone to flooding. Five minutes of rain and you have to bust out your wellies. There was no question if we were leaving or not. It was a matter of when.

It's quiet outside. No rain and no wind. For now, we wait and see what happens and hope that we can come home at some point to a place with power, running water and no flooding.

My thoughts go out to everyone up and down the East coast. Stay safe and dry. I know I'll be spending a lot of time watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, coloring and snacking on Cheerios.


the workaholic momma said...

I'm with you girl...we're on high ground in VB so we should be ok but I'm hoping the flooding isnt too bad for y'all. Beautiful pic:)

Ashley @ It's Fitting said...

Hope that everything went well and that you get to go home soon!