My little girl has been with us for half a year. I can't believe how fast time is going and how quickly she is growing. In 6 more months, she will be one!!! Kayla is constantly changing and developing daily. She is no longer this tiny little baby we took home back in July. I can't even imagine life without her - she has changed me and her father and we are so lucky to be her parents.
She has changed so much since last month!
- She babbles and talks loudly almost all day long.
- She's got fake coughing down to a science; it's quite cute. She also blows raspberries loudly.
- She is sitting on her own.
- Her two bottom teeth are out which makes me nervous at times since I'm still bf-ing.
- She loves her food - carrots, sweet potatoes, pears and apples. She's not a big fan of peas nor bananas.
- She currently weights 20 lbs 5.5 oz, size 3 diapers, and between 12 to 18 months for clothing.
- She adores her daddy so much. Kayla finds everything he does to be funny.
- She still loves bath time and is still an awesome sleeper.
- She loves to grab everything and anything. She's a quick one!
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