Having acquired a number of bows since she was born, I needed a holder/organizer. I've been searching all over the place to buy one but didn't find one 'til this weekend. Nancy, from i wanted to wonder, is so awesome! She has tons of cute ideas on her website and she even creates wall art. I ordered on Sunday and by last night she had already finished Kayla's bow holder. It even matches her PBK sadie bedding!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Custom Bow Holder
Having a daughter makes a mom go crazy with buying clothes, shoes, and accessories. I didn't think I was going to be that mom who would put a bow on her daughter's hair every chance she got - but that's me! Etsy is my source for bows and headbands for Kayla.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Ammature Mom
Yup, that's me! I waited and waited to buy Kayla's Halloween costume because I thought I was going to catch the Tom Arma elephant costume on sale. Obviously, I didn't. I just don't think I can swallow paying $60 for something she's gonna wear for picture purposes. I even scoured ebay and no still no luck.

This weekend, I bought her a backup PBK pumpkin costume while I cross my fingers and toes that the costume I really want comes in the mail. I really hope that Nordstrom can pull through for me and she can be a bumble bee for the day.

Edit: I got my tracking from Nordstrom last night and the costume will be here on Friday. Yay!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
My sleeping-through-the-night baby!
This came as a total surprise and quite unexpected. We thought this day would never come but it finally did! I contemplated even saying it out loud nor thinking about it too much because I was afraid of jinxing it. Ha!
Kayla started sleeping in her crib on the 6th and she pretty much transitioned from the bassinnett of her pack and play straight to there. No in between here. She was still waking up once in the middle of the night for a bottle until this past Friday. She just kept on sleeping and sleeping. She didn't get up until almost 7am. J and I were both very shocked but thought it was a fluke.
She did it again on Sunday.
Kayla started sleeping in her crib on the 6th and she pretty much transitioned from the bassinnett of her pack and play straight to there. No in between here. She was still waking up once in the middle of the night for a bottle until this past Friday. She just kept on sleeping and sleeping. She didn't get up until almost 7am. J and I were both very shocked but thought it was a fluke.
She did it again on Sunday.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
First Year Wedding Anniversay
This past Sunday marked our first wedding anniversary. Time goes by so much faster when you're pregnant for a good portion of it. It's amazing to me that we went from being newly married to being a family all in a blink of an eye. We like to think that baby girl was conceived on the night of our wedding. According to this little calculator - she was! Ha!
My anniversary present came early - Friday early. I came home from work and was going about my business when I decided to call J since he left work before I did and yet was nowhere to be found. I picked up my cellphone (the Blackberry that I've been hating on for months) only to see a SIM error. Of course I couldn't dial out. J showed up a little bit after my attempt to call him and I was whining as soon as he walked in the door about how my phone wasn't working. Not even two seconds later he plops down a shiny new iPhone on the bed for me. It was my anniversary present. What a sweet husband!
I've been pleading with him to get me this phone but he thought the phone was stupid. He even hated the "there's an app for that" commercials. I told him that this phone is perfect for me now that we have Kayla. I can take her pictures when I don't have the digital camera on me and I can take quick videos of her. I wasn't up for my upgrade yet (and I planned on waiting 'til December to buy it myself) but I guess he sweet-talked the AT&T man and he got a discount for getting my upgrade done a little earlier rather than paying full-retail price.
We also went out on a date on Sunday - lunch and a movie. My mom came over to watch Kayla while we went out. We even did a little bit of shopping for more baby clothes. It was definitely nice to go out and spend some alone time together.
Even Kayla got in on the present-giving thing. She slept through the night - I'm talking 9pm to 7am - for the first time on Saturday! It was definitely a great present from her. J and I sure appreciate this new schedule she's on but that's a whole 'nother post to come.
Monday, October 12, 2009
3 Month Check-Up
J and I went in to her doctor's office with guesses of what she'd weight in at - I said at least 17 and Jay said 18. Boy, we were both wrong! She only weighted 15 lbs. 9 oz. but still well above the 90th percentile and she now measures 23.65 inches. She is growing so fast! She had two shots and she took it like a champ! She cried for a little bit but I think her hunger and tiredness played a big part in it too.
- still in size 2 diapers
- 6 months sized clothes
- sleeping through the night :)
- still no formula
- coo-ing like crazy
- rolling over to her belly when she wants to
- still in size 2 diapers
- 6 months sized clothes
- sleeping through the night :)
- still no formula
- coo-ing like crazy
- rolling over to her belly when she wants to
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
She's sleeping in her crib - finally!
Baby girl slept in her crib last night! I was getting scared that her pretty crib will never be put to use aside from when she's playing with her animal friends (aka her crib mobile). This is really exciting for us since watching TV on mute is getting old. It's kinda hard trying to make out what people are saying. I was also beginning to wonder if we were all waking each other up.
We are using a sleep positioner that she eventually kicks off to the bottom of the crib. It probably only does its purpose for the first couple of hours until she gets into her kicking fit. Either way, I'm just happy that she's in her room. I loved having her in ours since it was so convenient to have her right there but I knew that she would have to move out one of these days. J also moved her pack and play downstairs this morning before he left for work. This will now be used for her naps during the day.
I really hope that her transition to her own room will make her a better sleeper. She still wakes up once during the night to feed which is totally fine. When did your baby stop eating in the middle of the night?
We are using a sleep positioner that she eventually kicks off to the bottom of the crib. It probably only does its purpose for the first couple of hours until she gets into her kicking fit. Either way, I'm just happy that she's in her room. I loved having her in ours since it was so convenient to have her right there but I knew that she would have to move out one of these days. J also moved her pack and play downstairs this morning before he left for work. This will now be used for her naps during the day.
I really hope that her transition to her own room will make her a better sleeper. She still wakes up once during the night to feed which is totally fine. When did your baby stop eating in the middle of the night?
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
My child is 3 months old and I totally forgot about her birthday. I woke up on Monday thinking I needed to take her picture after work in her crib. J quickly burst that bubble informing me that Monday was the 5th and not the 4th. Oops. I guess working on the weekends kinda messed my days up. Of course I didn't take her picture yesterday. She's been a little handful with her sleeping patterns the past couple of days and I'm beyond exhausted.
It started Sunday night and I thought that was a fluke. She refused to sleep in her pack and play that J took her downstairs to sleep in her swing. That went from midnight 'til 2-ish. After her feeding, I put her in her crib and she slept in there 'til about 6-ish. Of course she was still fussy during the day yesterday. J's mom said she didn't want to be put down and wanted to be held a lot and refused to nap. We fought between 830pm 'til about 1030pm last night when J finally gave up and brought the swing upstairs. She slept there 'til around 330 and in the pack and play she went 'til almost 6.
I really hope this is a just a phase. We can't function like normal people with lack of sleep. I don't really know what's going on. I'd like to think that she's teething (although it could be a bit early) hence the craziness during night time. She was such a good sleeper for the most part until Sunday.
It makes me wonder what it would be like if I was home with her. Is it possible that there are 4 different people, including myself, that watch her on daily basis and our ways of taking care of her are all different? Does she even know the difference between all of us? I sure hope so! I want to think that my baby girl know I'm her momma and that I give her the best care when I'm home with her.
How do we fix this? How can I get her on a good routine?
It started Sunday night and I thought that was a fluke. She refused to sleep in her pack and play that J took her downstairs to sleep in her swing. That went from midnight 'til 2-ish. After her feeding, I put her in her crib and she slept in there 'til about 6-ish. Of course she was still fussy during the day yesterday. J's mom said she didn't want to be put down and wanted to be held a lot and refused to nap. We fought between 830pm 'til about 1030pm last night when J finally gave up and brought the swing upstairs. She slept there 'til around 330 and in the pack and play she went 'til almost 6.
I really hope this is a just a phase. We can't function like normal people with lack of sleep. I don't really know what's going on. I'd like to think that she's teething (although it could be a bit early) hence the craziness during night time. She was such a good sleeper for the most part until Sunday.
It makes me wonder what it would be like if I was home with her. Is it possible that there are 4 different people, including myself, that watch her on daily basis and our ways of taking care of her are all different? Does she even know the difference between all of us? I sure hope so! I want to think that my baby girl know I'm her momma and that I give her the best care when I'm home with her.
How do we fix this? How can I get her on a good routine?
Saturday, October 3, 2009
13 Weeks Ago...
I was holding Kayla in my arms for the first time. I can't believe how fast time has been going. She will be 3 months old come Monday. Being a parent is truly the most rewarding experience I have experienced so far. Her coos and smiles make all the sleepless nights all worthwhile.
Working full time again has had its ups and downs. It is still hard leaving her behind every morning but the end of my day is always rewarded with her smiling face when I come home. Work is still very busy that I'm able to go all day without feeling sad that I'm not home with her. Even my weekends are cut short due to groups that I have to check in on. I cherish every second that I get to spend at home with her. She is growing up and developing so quickly and I'm always afraid that I will miss something.
We are still going strong with breastfeeding. There is so much milk in our freezer and I'm still pumping while at work. I even get up in the middle of the night to pump while J feeds her with a bottle. The way I see it is that this is the best thing I can give her right now. It's great holding her while she looks up at me while she eats. It's our bonding time and I hope that we can go past 6 months. Pumping is a pain at work but I plan to keep it up.
Working full time again has had its ups and downs. It is still hard leaving her behind every morning but the end of my day is always rewarded with her smiling face when I come home. Work is still very busy that I'm able to go all day without feeling sad that I'm not home with her. Even my weekends are cut short due to groups that I have to check in on. I cherish every second that I get to spend at home with her. She is growing up and developing so quickly and I'm always afraid that I will miss something.
We are still going strong with breastfeeding. There is so much milk in our freezer and I'm still pumping while at work. I even get up in the middle of the night to pump while J feeds her with a bottle. The way I see it is that this is the best thing I can give her right now. It's great holding her while she looks up at me while she eats. It's our bonding time and I hope that we can go past 6 months. Pumping is a pain at work but I plan to keep it up.
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