Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Maybe not quite the homestretch but hitting the 3rd trimester seemed so far away a couple of weeks ago. I can't believe that there's only 13 weeks left until my due date. That's only 91 days in case you're trying to do the math!

This pregnancy is definitely going really fast. Between a full-time job and an almost 3 year old, I haven't really had much time to just sit there. It also feels like the closer I get to my due date, the longer my to-do list is becoming. Next thing you know I will wake up and it's August 17. I'm really hoping that this baby comes a little earlier than that since J's birthday is on the 21st but having the baby on J's birthday will not only be the best present for him but also easy when it comes to celebrations and parties.

Mom helped me clean up the baby's room last weekend and the goal this weekend is to start purging. The fabric for the crib skirt has also been ordered and I can't wait for my mom to get started on that. She's also going make the drapes and some throw pillow covers. I'm just excited that I can no longer change my mind about the fabric since it has been ordered and shipped.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sleep? Nap?

What are those??

I've read 2 books out of 3. I'm sure you have heard of this trilogy. If not, you probably live under a rock. Or in a cave. I have literally been staying up way past my bedtime reading since Thursday night. Good thing I am off tomorrow. Ha!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Baby Number 2: 25 Weeks

How far along: 25 weeks.
Total weight gain: 9 pounds. A very surprising but great number to me. I thought it'd be more than that since I've been dessert-binging with J&K.
Maternity clothes: Definitely maternity pants. I need more shirts for work and weekends. I like my shirts long to begin with so my non-maternity clothes are currently working fine.
Food cravings: Nothing crazy but I'm pretty sure I can survive off chicken salad from this local sandwich place and Chipotle's burrito bowl.
Sleep: Awful! I have been sleeping very little on work nights but I definitely make up for it during
Highlights: Looking forward to window shopping on Saturday for the little. We are compiling a list of what things we need. We are after all only 105 days away from baby girl's due date who still does not have a name.