Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A year ago...

We had our family pictures done on Monday and I can't help but look back of what our family was like a year ago. Below is a picture from our session last year. A lot has changed since then but one thing that remains the same is how thankful I am for having for having these two people in my life!

Happy Thanksgiving, Y'all! I hope that the holiday season is spent with loved ones all around you.

Starlight Snowflakes Christmas Card
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Friday, November 11, 2011

Cartoons & Football

Kayla loves cartoons. It's a great distraction when I'm getting ready in the morning and when I want to stay in bed a little longer. We also watch a lot of football on the weekends and I might have said "it's football Sunday" a number of times.

Here's how two convos went yesterday and today.

Scene: I'm getting ready. J's still in bed 'cause he's off. Kayla was in her room reading a book.
M: Kayla, come in here. Daddy's watching cartoons.
K: No, he's watching football Sunday.

Scene: K climbed in bed with us before we all got up to get ready for work. J turned on the tv and 3rd and Bird was on.
M: I don't like 3rd and Bird.
K: You don't like it, mommy?
M: No.
K: You like football Sunday?

Yup, we start them young with football. Ha!