Finding out the sex of the baby has definitely made this pregnancy even more real now. I started feeling her move with tiny flutters about a week or two ago but she definitely made her presence known the night before our appointment. Jay finally got to feel her kick the afternoon of the appointment as well. It's still a little weird when she kicks but I'm loving it! She's very active in the early afternoon time specially after I've had lunch.
We already purchased her crib. We bought it the same day we found out we are having a girl. J and I had lunch and stopped by Short Pump to see what Pottery Barn Kids had. They were having this huge sale on their furniture and we scored a Thomas Crib in Sun Valley Black for nearly 60% off retail! We have the crib and the conversion kit as well. J and his dad are picking up the crib today. I'm really hoping that they discount the dresser as much as they did the crib. If not, I already have my eye on an Ikea dresser that will work.